The only safe way Long Covid can be prevented is to not get Covid.

If, however, you are already suffering from Long Covid or Postcovid syndrome, we would like to offer you our assistance and support in getting better.

Each and every Longcovid-Syndrome is unique and has its own, often changing and dynamic characteristic set of symptoms.

As of March 2023, there are no definitive investigations that fully account for the plethora of symptoms that characterize Longcovid.  Furthermore, there are no easy fixes or cures. However, we take a very individualized approach based on our experience and effort in supporting many patients suffering from Longcovid since its emergence in early 2020. Our approach includes a thorough and whole person workup including establishing an orthomolecular status, review of prior experiences and treatments as well as developing a treatment path that includes, amongst other aspects, the option of H.E.L.P.-apheresis. Please contact us for further information.

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